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Common Council

The Common Council Meetings consist of the Mayor and six Alderpersons. The regular meetings of the Common Council are held in the City Hall Council Chambers on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. See the calendar for exact dates.

  • Ward 1 - Anthony DeBaker 4/2025
  • Ward 2 - Vacant
  • Ward 3 - Michael Schmidt 4/2025
  • Ward 4 - Jesse Liebenow
  • Ward 5 - Ken Neumann 4/2025
  • Ward 6 - Kim Olson  4/2026
  • Rob Boelk, Mayor 4/2026
Common Council - 2024
Committee Meeting of the Whole – 5/10/2024
  • Committe Meeting of the Whole
Common Council - 2024
Common Council Meeting 05.13.24 – 5/3/2024
  • Agenda 05.13.24
  • Agenda 05.13.24 Revised
Common Council - 2024
Common Council Meeting – 1/4/2024
  • Common Council Agenda Revised
Common Council - 2023
2023 Common Council Minutes List of Dates – 6/4/2024
  • Minutes 2023 List of Dates
Common Council - 2023
Special Finance Budget Meeting – 12/14/2023
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Common Council – 11/13/2023
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Common Council – 10/9/2023
  • Agenda
  • Agenda Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Common Council – 9/11/2023
  • 09.11.2023 Agenda
  • CSM
  • Handbook for Wisc Municipal Officials
  • Mayville Accessory Structures Final Revision
  • Remax
  • Remax Analysis
  • Resolution 5885-2023
  • Resolution Sikich 03.13.23
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Common Council – 8/14/2023
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/1/2023
  • Agenda & Packet
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 5/30/2023
  • Agenda
  • Handout - Sikich Insights Report
  • Handout - Sikich Proposal
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Board of Review – 5/16/2023
  • Public Notice of Open Book & Board of Review
  • Public Notice for Board of Review
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 5/4/2023
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Emergency Special Common Council Meeting - **CANCELLED** – 5/2/2023
  • Agenda

The 05/02/2023 Special Common Council meeting has been cancelled.  It will be rescheduled for 05/04/2023 at 6pm, to allow for more time for the public to participate.  Agenda to follow.

Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 5/1/2023
  • Agenda
  • Agenda - Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/22/2023
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2023
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/12/2023
  • Agenda - Revised
  • Minutes
  • Signed Resolution 5843-2023 - Revision of Appointments to Standing Committees
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 12/12/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 11/14/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Board of Review – 10/20/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 10/10/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 9/26/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 9/12/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 8/8/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 8/8/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 7/11/2022
  • Agenda-Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 6/13/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 5/23/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Board of Review – 5/23/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 5/9/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Organizational Meeting – 4/19/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 4/19/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 4/11/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 3/28/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 3/14/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Special Common Council – 2/28/2022
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 2/14/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2022
Common Council – 1/10/2022
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 12/13/2021
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 11/8/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 10/25/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 10/18/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 10/11/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 9/27/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 9/13/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 8/9/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 7/12/2021
  • Agenda-Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 6/28/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 6/14/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Board of Review – 6/9/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 5/24/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 5/10/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 4/26/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Organizational Meeting – 4/20/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 4/12/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 3/22/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 3/8/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council – 2/8/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Special Common Council – 1/25/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2021
Common Council Meeting – 1/11/2021
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 12/14/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/7/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/23/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/16/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 11/9/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/2/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/26/2020
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/19/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 10/12/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 9/14/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/24/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 8/10/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 7/13/2020
  • Agenda Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 6/8/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Board of Review – 5/20/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Countil – 5/11/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council – 4/27/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Organizational Meeting – 4/21/2020
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 4/13/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 3/9/2020
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 2/10/2020
  • Agenda Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/27/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2020
Common Council – 1/13/2020
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 12/9/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 11/11/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 10/14/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 9/30/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 9/9/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/26/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 8/12/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 7/8/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 6/10/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Board of Review – 5/30/2019
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council – 5/28/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 5/13/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 4/24/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 4/22/2019
  • Agenda Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 4/16/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Organizational Meeting – 4/16/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 4/8/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council – 3/25/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council-Revised – 3/11/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/25/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 2/11/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Special Common Council – 1/28/2019
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2019
Common Council – 1/14/2019
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/19/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council-Revised – 12/10/2018
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 11/12/2018
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/15/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 10/8/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 9/12/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 9/10/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 8/13/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/6/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 7/9/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council – 6/25/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 6/11/2018
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council – 5/29/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 5/14/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Organizational Meeting – 4/17/2018
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council-Revised – 4/9/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 3/26/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 3/22/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council-Revised – 3/12/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/26/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 2/12/2018
  • Agenda
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/5/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/22/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/18/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/10/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2018
Common Council – 1/8/2018
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/18/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 12/11/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/7/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/27/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 11/13/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/7/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/30/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/23/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 10/9/2017
  • Agenda-Revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/2/2017
  • Revised Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 9/25/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 9/11/2017
  • Agenda-revised
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/28/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 8/14/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 7/24/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 7/10/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 6/26/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 5/22/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 6/12/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 5/5/2017
  • Agenda
  • File 3

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 1/9/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council Acting as Sex Offender Board – 1/23/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council-REVISED – 1/23/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 2/13/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council Acting as Sex Offender Board – 2/13/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 2/27/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 3/6/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council-Revised – 3/13/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 3/27/2017
  • Minutes
  • Agenda

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 3/30/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 4/10/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Organizational Meeting – 4/18/2017
  • Agenda 04/18/17
  • Minutes 04/18/17

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Special Common Council – 4/24/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2017
Common Council – 5/8/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
REVISED - Common Council Meeting – 1/11/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting - REVISED – 2/8/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting - REVISED – 2/22/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting - REVISED – 3/14/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 3/14/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting - REVISED – 4/11/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Organizational Meeting – 4/19/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Board of Review – 5/9/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 5/9/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 5/23/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 6/13/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Board of Review – 6/14/2016
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 6/16/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 6/27/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 7/11/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 7/25/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 7/27/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 8/8/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/15/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/22/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 10/12/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting – 11/14/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2016
Common Council Meeting -REVISED – 12/12/2016
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 1/12/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council – 1/26/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting-REVISED – 2/9/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: Common Council Meeting-REVISED

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 3/9/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council – 3/12/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 4/13/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Organizational Meeting – 4/14/2015
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 5/11/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Board of Review – 5/28/2015
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 6/8/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Joint Common Council & Mayville School Board Meeting – 6/17/2015
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council Meeting – 6/22/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Joint Common Council & Water/Wastewater Commission Sub-Committee Meeting – 6/30/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting-REVISED – 7/13/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Joint Common Council & Water Wastewater Commission - REVISED – 7/14/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council Meeting – 7/27/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Joint Common Council & Water Wastewater Commission - REVISED – 7/28/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting-REVISED – 8/10/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/24/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council Meeting – 8/31/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting - REVISED – 9/14/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 10/12/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 11/9/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Joint Common Council & Water Wastewater Commission – 11/17/2015
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/23/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
Common Council Meeting – 12/14/2015
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2015
CANCELLED Special Common Council Meeting – 12/28/2015
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 1/13/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/20/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/23/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/28/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: Room #138 Conference Room

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 2/10/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting-CANCELLED – 2/20/2014
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/27/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 2/27/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 3/3/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 3/10/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Joint Common Council & Water Wastewater Commission Meeting – 3/26/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 4/14/2014
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Organizational Meeting – 4/15/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Organizational Meeting – 4/21/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 4/29/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Board of Review – 5/12/2014
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 5/12/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Joint Common Council & Water Wastewater Commission Meeting – 5/15/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 6/9/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting-REVISED – 6/9/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 6/11/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 7/14/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting-Revised – 8/11/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Acting as Sex Offender Board – 8/25/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 9/8/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 9/29/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 10/13/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/20/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes


City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 10/27/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 11/10/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Board of Review – 11/20/2014
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/24/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 11/25/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers


Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/1/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Common Council Meeting – 12/8/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2014
Special Common Council Meeting – 12/22/2014
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Organization Meeting – 4/16/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 12/9/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 11/11/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 10/14/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 9/9/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 8/12/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 7/8/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 6/10/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 5/13/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 4/8/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 3/11/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 2/11/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 1/14/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 12/23/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 12/16/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 12/9/2013
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 12/4/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 11/18/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 10/29/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 10/21/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 10/1/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 9/17/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 9/16/2013
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 8/12/2013
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 8/19/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 7/15/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 6/17/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 5/20/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 5/6/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 4/22/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 4/11/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 3/18/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 2/28/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 2/19/2013
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 2/18/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 2/6/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 1/29/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2013
Common Council Meeting – 1/21/2013
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Special Common Council Water Wastewater Commission Meeting – 11/28/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Organization Meeting – 4/17/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 12/10/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 11/12/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 7/8/2017
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 10/8/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 9/10/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 8/13/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 7/9/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 6/11/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 5/14/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 4/9/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 3/12/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 2/13/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 1/9/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Sex Offender Board Meeting – 6/18/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Sex Offender Meeting – 10/30/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 12/17/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 11/28/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 11/26/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 11/19/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 9/26/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 9/17/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 8/20/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 7/16/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 6/18/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 5/21/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 4/25/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 4/23/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Meeting – 3/19/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Special Common Council Meeting – 1/3/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2012
Common Council Board of Review Meeting – 5/22/2012
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Organization Meeting – 4/19/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Common Council - 2011
Joint Common Council and Water Wastewater Commission – 2/22/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 12/12/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 11/14/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 10/10/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 9/12/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 8/8/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 7/11/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 6/13/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 5/9/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 4/11/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 3/14/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 2/17/2011
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 2/14/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 1/10/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 12/19/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 11/21/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 11/10/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 10/17/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 10/4/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 9/19/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 8/15/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 7/18/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 6/20/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 6/16/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 6/6/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 5/23/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 5/2/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 4/26/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 3/23/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 3/21/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 3/14/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Common Council Meeting – 2/21/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2011
Board of Review – 5/23/2011
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Organization Meeting – 4/20/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 12/13/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 11/8/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 10/11/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 9/13/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 8/9/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 7/12/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 6/14/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 5/10/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 4/12/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 3/11/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 3/8/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 2/8/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 1/11/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Finance Committee Special Meeting – 1/25/2010
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 11/16/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 10/25/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 10/18/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 1/25/2010
  • Agenda

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 1/18/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 9/20/2010
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 9/29/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 8/24/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 3/15/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 3/11/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 9/20/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 6/28/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 5/25/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Common Council Meeting – 4/27/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers

Common Council - 2010
Board of Review – 5/25/2010
  • Agenda
  • Minutes

Location: City Hall Council Chambers